14 Jun Baby gender selection in Kuwait
Being able to choose your baby’s sex is a reality that more and more couples use. The advancement of current technology together with our european medical team, makes it possible for PGDlabs to perform this technique of gender selection in Kuwait through Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis.
Why choose the sex of my baby?
Families have different reasons when in comes to deciding the sex of their baby. For example, if parents already have two boys and want their third child to be a girl. This way, a balance is achieved in large families, thanks to the “optional” selection of the baby’s gender. It can also be for medical reasons, for example to prevent a disease linked to sex, especially when the genetic cause (mutation) has not been clearly established in the family.
The technique of gender selection through Preimplantation Diagnosis called Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) is done during an IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) treatment. It consists of analyzing one or several cells of the embryo through a process called “embryo biopsy”. The embryo biopsy performed by professionals is a process that is not harmful to the embryo. After the embryo biopsy, the cells are analyzed using PGT which allows to determine the chromosomal sex of the embryo (XX or XY) and also to detect alterations in the number of sex chromosomes associated with different genetic syndromes. The study may include additional chromosomes (such as 13, 18 and 21) responsible for important chromosomal alterations compatible with life. This can help couples increase the pregnancy rate, decrease the rate of spontaneous abortions and reduce the risk of having a baby with a chromosomal syndrome (for example, a trisomy of chromosome 21 is associated with Down syndrome).
Once the test is done, we send the results to the assisted reproduction clinic, which transfers the normal embryos of the sex desired by the couple.
This is the only trust method available for the sex selection, since it is done once the fertilization has taken place and the embryo has already been generated. Once they have been genetically analyzed, only the embryos of the desired sex are transferred.
Where can I make the gender selection of my future baby?
PGD Labs is a genetic center specialized in Reproductive Genetics, located in Kuwait. We work to help couples trying to create a family and to increase their chances of having a healthy baby. Our goal is to provide the most appropriate genetic diagnostic test adapted to the needs of the couple at any stage of the process (before conception, during fertility treatment, during pregnancy or after delivery).
Tel: +965 969 38 400/25316116
Email: info@pgdlabs.com