15 May Genetic Services for Reproductive
PGDLabs is a laboratory located in Kuwait that specialises in genetic services for reproductive. Our aim is to offer support to fertility clinics to help any couple willing to build a family, to do so increasing the chances to conceive healthy babies.
PGDLabs established in Kuwait in the year 2014.
Our services and treatments encompass the entire process, from before conception and during the fertility treatment, to the pregnancy and post-birth testing. At our centre we have professionals specialised in reproductive genetics who provide personalised care and carry out their work with the maximum effectiveness.
We perform genetic diagnostic testing to determine whether an embryo has a specific genetic disorder, as well as to know its gender and to rule out chromosomal anomalies. In this way, we increase the chances for families to have a healthy baby.
Couples can decide the gender of the future baby, either for medical reasons or for familily balance purpose.
What is the goal of our reproductive genetic services?
In summary, at PGDLabs we perform genetic testing to:
- Improve pregnancy rates for couples that have fertility problems. We detect the reason for the inability to get pregnant or to bring a pregnancy to term.
- We help couples that are at risk of having a child with a genetic disorder to give birth to a baby free from a genetic disease.
We adapt to the needs of our clients and the requests of the fertility clinics that we work with, 365 days a year. In addition, we abide by a strict quality control program, the Cytogenetics European Quality Assessment (CEQA, an inter-laboratory program), year after year.
If you want to know more about our reproductive genetic services, simply contact PGDLabs at our phone number +965 969 38 400 and/or via e-mail at info@pgdlabs.com. Our specialists team will give you all the information you need, without commitment, and will give you personalised advice.