What is the IVF procedure?

At PGD-Labs we offer our support to Fertility Clinics across the globe in the performance of the IVF procedure on their patients.

What is our mission as a laboratory specialized in Reproductive Genetics?


  • Our main focus is on improving the pregnancy rate of couples that visit a fertilization or fertility center because they are affected by fertility or sterility problems and want to know the causes and undergo treatment.
  • Furthermore, we help couples who are at risk of conceiving a child affected by a genetic disorder and want to eliminate the chances of this happening so as to give birth to a child free from chromosome disorders.


IVF procedure step by step


The main phases of In-Vitro Fertilization using the woman’s own ova are as follows:


  • 1) Ovarian stimulation. The woman is administered hormones – known as LH, Luteinizing Hormone – that cause ovulation and its subsequent release once the follicles have reached the right size. This process starts during the first days of menstruation and spans 8 to 11 days.
  • 2) Egg retrieval. Follicles are aspirated under anesthesia to retrieve the oocytes. The ova are cultured for a few hours and a semen sample is prepared in the meantime.
  • 3) In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). The ova are inseminated in a laboratory. The resulting embryos are analyzed and classified and the most appropriate fertilization method is determined for each case.
  • 4) Embryo development. This step spans for 2 to 5 days, and mainly consists of preserving and observing the embryo.
  • 5) Transfer. Approximately 72 hours after the egg retrieval, embryos can be transferred to the mother’s uterus through a painless, simple and quick process that requires no anesthesia. However, if the embryos are to be analyzed, there is an extra step, which is an embryo biopsy, in which case the transfer would be performed 120 hrs. after the egg retrieval.


Do you have any question regarding the IVF procedure? Please contact us; at PGD-Labs we will provide you with personalized advice and guide you so that you can accomplish your goals. We work with Fertility Clinics around the world, which will let us direct you to the one that best suits you and your needs.


You can contact us by calling +965 969 38 400, by e-mail at info@pgdlabs.com and at the Jabriya Medical Center, 6th floor, Fourth Ring Road, Jabriya Block 1A, Kuwait.