The valuable information provided by a whole Exome Sequencing analysis

PGD-Labs is a genetic research laboratory focused on Reproductive Genetics that works with fertility clinics to help couples increase the chances of having a healthy child. Whole Exome Sequencing analysis is one of the services at your disposal.

Our laboratory is equipped with the latest technologies and its everyday operations are managed by a European team of highly specialized biologists who work to help couples conceive babies that are free from genetic diseases.

What information can a whole Exome Sequencing analysis provide?

A whole Exome Sequencing analysis can be used to know the gene sequence to identify a mutation or alteration in the genetic code that causes a disease. The information that is obtained is valuable to detect diseases and apply a specific, effective treatment.

Exome sequencing is key when it comes to complex diseases with multiple genes that may cause a disease, and is also useful to identify mutations in diseases that are not well-studied.

This technique implies sequencing all genome coding regions – exons. The goal is to obtain as much genetic information as possible about a patient, found in the variations of the 20,000 genes that compose the exome.

At PGD-Labs we offer three different categories of this service:

  • Individual clinical exome
  • Exome clinical duo
  • Clinical exome trio

If you suffer from any rare disease that you may transmit to our offspring, at PGD-Labs we can perform a whole Exome Sequencing analysis. Just call +965 969 38 400 or send us an e-mail at We will help you improve the quality of life of your children!